Uses of Interface

Packages that use RequestContext   

Uses of RequestContext in

Methods in that return RequestContext
 RequestContext RequestContext.getNestedContext()
          Gets the nested Action Context

Uses of RequestContext in

Subinterfaces of RequestContext in
 interface ActionContext
          If an action is called, all relevant informations (like the session, request, response object) are passed by a context object which implements this interface.
 interface FormActionContext
          Encapsulate all parameter which will be used by invoking a Form-Action method

Classes in that implement RequestContext
 class ActionContextWrapper
          Wrapper Class for the ActionContext
 class ConcreteActionContext
          This class encapsulate all informations needed when calling a control action method.
 class ConcreteControlActionContext
          encapsulates all parameters which are required if a control action is performed.
 class ConcreteFormActionContext
          ActionContext for Actions in Forms

Methods in that return RequestContext
 RequestContext ConcreteActionContext.getNestedContext()
 RequestContext ActionContextWrapper.getNestedContext()

Uses of RequestContext in

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
 java.lang.Object StatefullConverter.saveState(RequestContext ctx)
          Gets the state of the instance as a Serializable Object.
 void StatefullConverter.restoreState(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object obj)
          Perform any processing required to restore the state from the entries in the state Object.
static java.lang.String ConverterHelp.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, Converter converter, java.lang.Object value)
          Uses a Bean Converter to convert the given object to a String representation.
static java.lang.Object ConverterHelp.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Class dataType, java.lang.String newValue)
          Uses a Bean Converter to convert the given String into an Object.
static java.lang.Object ConverterHelp.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Class dataType, java.lang.String[] newValues)
          Uses a Bean Converter to convert the given String Array into an Object Array.
 java.lang.Object Converter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
          Converts the given String value into the Converters Datatype
 java.lang.String Converter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
          Converts the Object of the converters Datatype into it's String representation

Uses of RequestContext in

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
 java.lang.Object StringConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String StringConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object NumberConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext context, java.lang.String value)
 java.lang.String NumberConverter.getAsString(RequestContext context, java.lang.Object value)
private  java.util.Locale NumberConverter.getLocale(RequestContext context)
          Retrieves the Locale for this Converter
 java.lang.Object NumberConverter.saveState(RequestContext context)
 void NumberConverter.restoreState(RequestContext context, java.lang.Object state)
 java.lang.Object LongConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String LongConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object IntegerConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String IntegerConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object FloatConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String FloatConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object DoubleConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String DoubleConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object DateTimeConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext context, java.lang.String value)
 java.lang.String DateTimeConverter.getAsString(RequestContext context, java.lang.Object value)
private  java.text.DateFormat DateTimeConverter.getDateFormat(RequestContext context, java.util.Locale locale)
          Creates a DateFormat Object from the Converter Attributes
private  java.util.Locale DateTimeConverter.getLocale(RequestContext context)
          Retrieves the Locale for this Converter
 java.lang.Object DateTimeConverter.saveState(RequestContext context)
 void DateTimeConverter.restoreState(RequestContext context, java.lang.Object state)
 java.lang.Object DateConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String DateConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
private  java.util.Locale DateConverter.getLocale(RequestContext context)
          Retrieves the Locale for this Converter
 java.lang.Object ByteSizeConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String ByteSizeConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object BooleanConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String BooleanConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)
 java.lang.Object AppointmentPriorityConverter.getAsObject(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String newValue)
 java.lang.String AppointmentPriorityConverter.getAsString(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of RequestContext in

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
protected static DialogContext DialogContext.get(RequestContext ctx, boolean create, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class ctxClass)
          Returns a Dialog Context
static void DialogContext.remove(RequestContext ctx, java.lang.String name)
          Removes a Context from the memory

Uses of RequestContext in

Subinterfaces of RequestContext in
 interface ControlActionContext
 interface ControlRequestContext
          Encapsulate all parameter which will be used by invoking a Control-Action method

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
protected  void TreelistControl.setCheckboxValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, boolean checked, SelectMode selectmode)
          This method is called to set the value of a checkbox column
protected  void TreelistControl.setRadioValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, java.lang.String value)
          This method is called to set the value of a radio button column
 void TreeControl.synchronizeState(RequestContext ctx, PropertyMap properties)
 void TextListControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
 void TextControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
 void TextareaControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
protected  void SimpleListControl.setCheckboxValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, boolean checked, SelectMode selectmode)
          This method is called to set the value of a checkbox column
protected  void SimpleListControl.setRadioValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, java.lang.String value)
          This method is called to set the value of a radio button column
 void SelectControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
 void ListControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
protected  void ListControl.setCheckboxValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, boolean checked, SelectMode selectmode)
          This method is called to set the value of a checkbox column
protected  void ListControl.setRadioValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, java.lang.String value)
          This method is called to set the value of a radio button column
protected  void ListControl.setControlValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.Object rowbean, java.lang.String property, java.lang.String[] values)
          This method sets the value of a nested control
static ControlMethodInvocation ControlMethodInvocation.getFromHyperlink(RequestContext ctx)
          Checks if the event of of the control was triggered by a hyperlink.
static ControlMethodInvocation ControlMethodInvocation.getFromForm(RequestContext ctx)
          Checks if a action of a form was generated within a form.
 void Control.synchronizeState(RequestContext ctx, PropertyMap properties)
          This method applies the given state properties to the controls state model
 void Control.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
          This method is called to set the value of the data model
 void ComboBoxControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
 void CheckboxGroupControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
 void CheckboxControl.setValue(RequestContext ctx, ControlValuePath path, java.lang.String[] values)
          The values "on" or "off" are passed in by the HTTP-Request

Uses of RequestContext in

Subinterfaces of RequestContext in
 interface PainterContext
          This class encapsulates all the necessary objects for painting the control.

Methods in with parameters of type RequestContext
static org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement PainterHelp.appendConverter(RequestContext ctx, org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement element, java.lang.String controlName, Converter converter)
          Adds a hidden field for the converter that was used to render the HTML element

Uses of RequestContext in

Classes in that implement RequestContext
 class CellPainterContext
          Painter context for cell elements.

Uses of RequestContext in

Classes in that implement RequestContext
 class PainterContextImp
          This class encapsulates all the necessary objects for painting the control.
 class PainterContextWrapper
          Wrapper for a painter context

Methods in that return RequestContext
 RequestContext PainterContextWrapper.getNestedContext()
 RequestContext PainterContextImp.getNestedContext()

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