Uses of Interface

Packages that use Algorithm   

Uses of Algorithm in

Classes in that implement Algorithm
static class Algorithms.CheckCheckableAlg
          Algorithm to check row beans that implement the Checkable interface
static class Algorithms.CheckPropertyAlg
          Algorithm to check a property on each row of a ListDataModel
static class Algorithms.CollectCheckableAlg
          Algorithm to collect rows of a given check state
static class Algorithms.CollectItemsAlg
          Algorithm to collect all items of a List or Tree in a Map
static class Algorithms.CollectPropertyAlg
          Algorithm to collect rows of a given check state
static class Algorithms.KeySearchAlg
          Algorithm to search for a key in a ListDataModel
static class Algorithms.VisibleNodeCounterAlg
          Algorithm to count the number of visible nodes in a Tree
 class Checker
          Algorithm for changing the check state in a collection of objects which implements the checkable interfaces

Methods in with parameters of type Algorithm
static TreeNodeDataModel TreeHelp.iterateNodes(TreeNodeDataModel root, Algorithm alg)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the tree.
static TreeNodeDataModel TreeHelp.iterateNodes(TreeNodeDataModel root, Algorithm alg, AlgorithmFilter filter)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the tree.
static TreeNodeDataModel TreeHelp.iterateNodes(TreeNodeDataModel root, TreeStateModel state, Algorithm alg, AlgorithmFilter filter)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the tree.
static TreeNodeDataModel TreeHelp.iterateNodes(TreeIterator iter, Algorithm alg)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the tree.
static TreeNodeDataModel TreeHelp.iterateNodes(TreeIterator iter, Algorithm alg, AlgorithmFilter filter)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the tree.
static java.lang.Object ListHelp.iterateNodes(ListDataModel list, Algorithm alg)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the list.
static java.lang.Object ListHelp.iterateNodes(ListDataModel list, Algorithm alg, AlgorithmFilter filter)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the list.
static java.lang.Object ListHelp.iterateNodes(LineIterator iter, Algorithm alg)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the list.
static java.lang.Object ListHelp.iterateNodes(LineIterator iter, Algorithm alg, AlgorithmFilter filter)
          This method processes an algorithm for all elements (nodes) in the list.

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