
Interface Summary
SystemPropertyNames This interface declares variables for the most common system properties
TreeIterator.LevelIterator Iterator for one level in a tree structure

Class Summary
Algorithms Collection of predefined Algorithms for List processing
Algorithms.AccessFilter Filter that excludes nodes which the user is not allowed to see
Algorithms.CheckCheckableAlg Algorithm to check row beans that implement the Checkable interface
Algorithms.CheckPropertyAlg Algorithm to check a property on each row of a ListDataModel
Algorithms.CollectCheckableAlg Algorithm to collect rows of a given check state
Algorithms.CollectItemsAlg Algorithm to collect all items of a List or Tree in a Map
Algorithms.CollectPropertyAlg Algorithm to collect rows of a given check state
Algorithms.KeySearchAlg Algorithm to search for a key in a ListDataModel
Algorithms.NullFilter Filter that excludes nothing
Algorithms.VisibleNodeCounterAlg Algorithm to count the number of visible nodes in a Tree
CalendarHelp Calendar utility class
Checker Algorithm for changing the check state in a collection of objects which implements the checkable interfaces
Formatter This class provides functions for formatting Strings
ListHelp Helper for processing ListDataModels
PropertyComparator Compares a java property
PropertyMap This class is responsible for converting property maps to and from String
PropertyResourceKey A key for a resource in a Java resource bundle.
StringHelp Helper class for string operations.
StringInputStream Wraps a String as an InputStream.
TreeHelp Helper class for managing tree structures.
TreeIterator Iterates over the tree.
TreeIterator.AbstractLevelIterator Base class for all LevelIterator's
TreeIterator.RootIterator Specialized iterator for the root element of the tree
TreeIterator.SimpleLevelIterator Iterator for simple Group Nodes
TreeIterator.VirtualTreeLevelIterator Iterator for virtual group nodes.
Util Utility class to compare/sort objects

Exception Summary
TreeStructureException This exception is thrown if an error in a structure of a tree is detected.

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