Uses of Interface

Packages that use ControlRequestContext   

Uses of ControlRequestContext in

Classes in that implement ControlRequestContext
 class ConcreteControlActionContext
          encapsulates all parameters which are required if a control action is performed.

Methods in with parameters of type ControlRequestContext
static java.lang.reflect.Method ActionUtil.getActionHandler(FrameworkAction action, ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Searches the action class for a handler method.

Uses of ControlRequestContext in

Subinterfaces of ControlRequestContext in
 interface ControlActionContext

Methods in with parameters of type ControlRequestContext
 void TreeSwapSelectControl.onSwapSelected(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
          Event handler for the swap selected options button
 void TreeSwapSelectControl.onSwapAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
          Event handler for the swap all options button
 void TreelistControl.onExpandEx(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the ExpandEx Event
 void TreelistControl.onExpand(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the Expand Event
 void TreelistControl.onCollapse(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the Collapse Event
 void TreelistControl.onCheck(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default Handler for the Check Event
 void TreelistControl.onCheckAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default Handler for the CheckAll Event
 void TreelistControl.onPage(ControlRequestContext ctx, int newPage)
          Default Handler for the Page Event
 void TreelistControl.onSort(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, SortOrder direction)
          Default Handler for the Sort Event
 void TreeControl.onDrilldown(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the onDrilldown Event
 void TreeControl.onExpandEx(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the onExpandEx Event
 void TreeControl.onExpand(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the onExpand Event
 void TreeControl.onCollapse(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the onCollapse Event
 void TreeControl.onCheck(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default handler for the onCheck Event
 void TabbarControl.onTabClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String tabId)
          The default handler for the onTabClick Event
 void TabbarControl.onTabScroll(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String tabId)
          The default handler for the onTabScroll Event
 void SwapSelectControl.onSwapSelected(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
          Event handler for the swap selected options button
 void SwapSelectControl.onSwapAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
          Event handler for the swap all options button
 void SimpleListControl.onPage(ControlRequestContext ctx, int newPage)
          Default handler for the Page Event
 void SimpleListControl.onCheck(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default handler for the Check Event
 void SimpleListControl.onCheckAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckAll Event
 void SimpleListControl.onCheckColumn(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckColumn Event
 void SimpleListControl.onSort(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, SortOrder direction)
          Default handler for the Sort Event
 void SchedulerControl.onCreate(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the Create Event
 void SchedulerControl.onRefresh(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default Handler for the Refresh Event
 void SchedulerControl.onView(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String view)
          Default Handler for the View Event
 void SchedulerControl.onChangeDate(ControlRequestContext ctx, long timeInMillis, java.lang.String view)
          Rolls the specified Date field by the given delta value.
 void SchedulerControl.onSelectDate(ControlRequestContext ctx, long timeInMillis, java.lang.String view)
          This method gets called when the user clicks on a date element.
 void SchedulerControl.onAppointmentClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key, long timeInMillis)
          Default handler for the AppointmentCLick Event
 void SchedulerControl.onAddAppointment(ControlRequestContext ctx, long timeInMillis)
          Default handler for the AddAppointment Event
 void SchedulerControl.onCheckAppointment(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String uniqueId, long timeInMillis, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckAppointment Event
 void SchedulerControl.onCheckDate(ControlRequestContext ctx, long timeInMillis, SchedulerScope scope, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckAppointment Event
 void SchedulerControl.onExportList(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the ExportList Event
 void SchedulerControl.onPrintList(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the PrintList Event
 void RatingControl.onItemClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the ItemCLick Event
 void MenuButtonControl.onLoadMenu(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String menuId)
          Loads the specified menu and returns the menu as an XML stream.
 void ListControl.onExpandEx(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the ExpandEx Event
 void ListControl.onExpand(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the Expand Event
 void ListControl.onCollapse(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default Handler for the Collapse Event
 void ListControl.onCreate(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the Create Event
 void ListControl.onRefresh(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the Refresh Event
 void ListControl.onPage(ControlRequestContext ctx, int newPage)
          Default handler for the Page Event
 void ListControl.onDrilldown(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the Drilldown Event
 void ListControl.onCellClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the CellClick Event
 void ListControl.onAdd(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the Add Event
 void ListControl.onEdit(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the Edit Event
 void ListControl.onDelete(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the Delete Event
 void ListControl.onSelect(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key)
          Default handler for the Select Event
 void ListControl.onCheck(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String key, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default handler for the Check Event
 void ListControl.onCheckAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, SelectMode mode, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckAll Event
 void ListControl.onCheckColumn(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, boolean check)
          Default handler for the CheckColumn Event
 void ListControl.onSort(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String column, SortOrder direction)
          Default handler for the Sort Event
 void ListControl.onExportList(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the ExportList Event
 void ListControl.onPrintList(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default handler for the PrintList Event
 void FrameControl.onClose(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default Handler for the Close Event
 void FrameControl.onMinimize(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default Handler for the Minimize Event
 void FrameControl.onMaximize(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default Handler for the Maximize Event
 void FrameControl.onRestore(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Default Handler for the Restore Event
 void CrumbsControl.onCrumbClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String crumb)
          The default handler for the onCrumbClick Event
 java.lang.Object[] ControlActionDef.mapActualParameter(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String[] paramStr)
          Method mapActualParameter
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object p1)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object p1, java.lang.Object p2)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object p1, java.lang.Object p2, java.lang.Object p3)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.Object[] params)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.execute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.util.Collection params)
          Delegates all incoming action to the action handler
 void Control.markDirty(ControlRequestContext ctx)
          This method marks the control as dirty when it has changed its state during an AJAX request.
 void Control.setAjaxAttribute(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
 void Control.onHelp(ControlRequestContext ctx, java.lang.String helpId)
          Default Handler for the Help Event

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