Uses of Class

Packages that use ControlActionDef   

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Fields in declared as ControlActionDef
private  ControlActionDef ConcreteControlActionContext.action
          The control action

Methods in that return ControlActionDef
 ControlActionDef ConcreteControlActionContext.action()

Constructors in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
ConcreteControlActionContext(ActionContext ctx, Control control, java.lang.String controlName, ControlActionDef action)
          Constructor for ConcreteControlActionContext

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Fields in declared as ControlActionDef
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_PAGE
          Action: Page this event is triggered within an control, when the user moves from one page to another page Handler: void onPage(ControlRequestContext ctx, int page) Arguments: page The page to which the system should go. -1 = jump to the last page 0..n = jump to the specified page Caution: The Handler itself must ensure adherence to the valid range.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CELLCLICK
          Handler: void onCellClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, String column, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_DRILLDOWN
          Handler: void onDrilldown(ControlRequestContext ctx, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_SELECT
          Handler: void onSelect(ControlRequestContext ctx, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_EDIT
          Handler: void onEdit(ControlRequestContext ctx, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_DELETE
          Handler: void onDelete(ControlRequestContext ctx, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_ADD
          Handler: void onAdd(ControlRequestContext ctx, String parentKey)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_EXPAND
          Action: Expand This action is triggered by a tree if a group node is opened.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_COLLAPSE
          Action: Collapse This action is triggered by a tree if a group node is closed.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_EXPANDEX
          Action: ExpandEx This action is triggered by a tree if a group node with unknown number of children is opened.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHECK
          Action: Check This action is triggered if a checkbox is clicked.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHECKALL
          Action: CheckAll This action is triggered if all rows are checked or unchecked.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHECKCOLUMN
          Action: CheckColumn This action is triggered if all rows of a specific column are checked or unchecked.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CREATE
          Action: Create Handler: void onCreate(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_REFRESH
          Action: Refresh Handler: void onRefresh(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_TABCLICK
          Action: TabClick Handler: void onTabClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, String tabId)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_TABSCROLL
          Action: TabScroll Handler: void onTabScroll(ControlRequestContext ctx, String tabId)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CRUMBCLICK
          Action: CrumbClick Handler: void onCrumbClick(ControlRequestContext ctx, String crumbId)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_SORT
          Handler: void onSort(ControlRequestContext ctx, String column, SortOrder direction)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_HELP
          Action: help Handler: void onHelp(ControlRequestContext ctx, String helpId)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_MINIMIZE
          Action: minimize Handler: void onMinimize(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_MAXIMIZE
          Action: maximize Handler: void onMaximize(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_MOVE
          Action: move Handler: void onMove(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_REMOVE
          Handler: void onRemove(ControlRequestContext ctx, String key)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_RESTORE
          Action: restore Handler: void onRestore(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CLOSE
          Action: close Handler: void onClose(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_VIEW
          Action: View this event is triggered within an control, when the user switches to another view Handler: void onView(ControlRequestContext ctx, String view)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHANGEDATE
          Action: ChangeDate this event is triggered within an scheduler control, when the user switches the controls view to another date.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_SELECTDATE
          Action: ChangeDate this event is triggered within an scheduler control, when the user clicks on a date element.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_APPOINTMENTCLICK
          Action: Appointment this event is triggered within an scheduler control, when the user clicks on and appointment The parameter timeInMillis designates the time in UTC milliseconds from the epoch.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHECKAPPOINTMENT
          Action: CheckAppointment This action is triggered if a checkbox on an appointment is clicked.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_CHECKDATE
          Action: CheckDate This action is triggered if a checkbox on an date is clicked.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_ADDAPPOINTMENT
          Action: AddAppointment this event is triggered within an scheduler control, when the user clicks on a add appointment button element.
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_PRINTLIST
          Action: Print (without parameters) Handler: void onPrint(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_EXPORTLIST
          Action: Export (without parameters) Handler: void onExport(ControlRequestContext ctx)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_SWAPSELECTED
          Action: Swap selected option elements Handler: void onSwapSelected(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_SWAPALL
          Action: Swap all option elements Handler: void onSwapAll(ControlRequestContext ctx, int direction)
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.ACTION_LOADMENU
          Action: load menu Handler: void onLoadMenu(ControlRequestContext ctx, String menuId)
private  ControlActionDef ControlAction.actiondef
          The base parameter definition

Methods in that return ControlActionDef
 ControlActionDef ControlRequestContext.action()
          Gets the Action Definition
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.query(java.lang.String code)
          Returns a ControlActionDef for the argument
static ControlActionDef ControlActionDef.parse(java.lang.String code)
          Returns a ControlActionDef for the argument
 ControlActionDef ControlAction.getActionDef()
          Returns the action definition (the actions prototype)

Methods in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
static void ControlActionDef.registerActionDefinition(ControlActionDef def)
          Registers an action definition in the global registry

Constructors in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
ControlAction(ControlActionDef action, Control control)
          Constructor of ControlAction The instance is initialized with the action definition.
ControlAction(ControlActionDef action, Control control, java.lang.String actionName)
          Constructor of ControlAction The instance is initialized with the action definition.

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Methods in that return ControlActionDef
 ControlActionDef ColumnCommandDesignModel.getCommand()
          Returns the command that will be executed when the user presses a button in this column

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Fields in declared as ControlActionDef
private  ControlActionDef ColumnCommandDesignModelImp.command
          the column command

Methods in that return ControlActionDef
 ControlActionDef ColumnCommandDesignModelImp.getCommand()

Constructors in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
ColumnCommandDesignModelImp(ControlActionDef command, java.lang.String icon, java.lang.String width)

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Methods in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
 ActionPainter PainterContext.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
 ActionPainter PainterContext.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action, java.lang.String actionName)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
protected  ActionPainter ControlPortionPainter.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action, java.lang.String actionName)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
protected  ActionPainter ControlPortionPainter.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
 ActionPainter ControlPainter.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
 ActionPainter ControlPainter.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action, java.lang.String actionName)
          Creates an ActionPainter.

Uses of ControlActionDef in

Methods in with parameters of type ControlActionDef
 ActionPainter PainterContextWrapper.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action, java.lang.String actionName)
 ActionPainter PainterContextWrapper.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action)
 ActionPainter PainterContextImp.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action)
          Creates an ActionPainter.
 ActionPainter PainterContextImp.createActionPainter(ControlActionDef action, java.lang.String actionName)
          Creates an ActionPainter.

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