1.7.70 (28. June 2008) - New: Example 111 - ListControl Scrollable-Body support - New: Example 181 - ListControl AJAX Support - New: Example 215 - Multilevel-Select Control - New: Example 281 - TreeControl AJAX Support - New: Example 311 - TreeListControl Scrollable-Body support - New: Example 381 - TreeListControl AJAX Support - New: Example 801 - ImageSelect-Control - New: Example 807 - TextList-Control - New: Example 808 - SwapSelect-Control "multiple"-Attribute - New: Example 809 - Converter Demo - New: Example 810 - RadioGroup-Control - New: Example 811 - CheckBoxGroup-Control - New: Example 812 - MultiLevelSelect-Control - New: Example 815 - -Tag - Update: Example 101 - Export for Excel-, PDF-, XML. - Update: Example 804 - SwapSelect-Control (Move-Buttons) 1.6.020 (15. Nov. 2005) - New: Example 901 - Scheduler Control - New: Example 902 - Multiple Scheduler Controls / Navigator - New: Example 322 - VirtualTreeGroupDataModel Example - New: Example 141 - JavaScript Example RadioButtons - New: Example 142 - Shows how content of a column can be changed in condition of an other column - New: Example 802 - Frames - New: Example 832 - Example for a popup dialog - Update: Example 101 - Shows the usage of the tag - Update: Example 102 - Shows the usage of the tag - Update: Example 203 - Client Side /JavaScript Tree - Update: Example 801 - Shows how an image-button can be added behind a formelement (here ) - Update: Example 804 - Shows how JavaScript can be used to disable a SwapSelect on the client side 1.5.011 (20.02.2005) - New: Example 203 - Client Side TreeControl - New: Example 152 - Inline Editing - New: Example 153 - Editable HTML column / Focus set to first input field in List - New: Example 203 - Client Side TreeControl - New: Example 421 - Dynamic TabSet/DesignModel declared within the action class - New: Example 521 - Dynamic Menu/DesignModel declared within the action class - New: Example 804 - SwapSelect - New: Example 831 - tag - New: Example 861 - Dynamic Forms/DesignModel declared within the action class 1.4.054 (26.10.2004) - New: Example 109 DesignRules TreeControl - New: Example 110 ListControl with different style classes - New: Example 132, 133, 134 (VirtualListDataModel, KeyListDataModel , VirtualKeyListDataModel) - New: Example 309 DesignRules TreeListControl - New: Example 310 TreeListControl with different style classes - Update: 405 Calendar on first Tagpage closes immediately after a date is selected. 1.3.037 (26.04.2004) - New: Example 821-824 - Shows the different form types (edit, display, search, header) - New: Example 841 - Shows how to configure TextButtons - Update: Example 107 - Shows the usage of single/multiple select column - Update: Example 101 - Shows how to use Struts EL to pass bean attributes from the current row bean to a javascript handler. 1.3.012 (30.03.2004) - New Example 107 - ListControl with multiple Checkboxes - New Example 151 - ListControl and editable columns - New Example 303 - TreeListControl and editable columns - New Example 406 - TabSet generated dynamically - New Example 601 - TabBar added - New Example 802 - New Form Examples (DynaForm/Struts Validator) - Update Example 106 - HTML Column uses JSP Tags to generate content - Update Example 131 - ListControl uses the new pageButtons attribute - Update Example 201 - Tree Labels accept now html - Update Panel.jsp - Panel can now be generated dynamically using struts logic tags 1.2.062 (29.12.2003) - Icons on the Tabs added to example 405 - TLD problem with BEA WebLogic Server fixed 1.2.055 (23.12.2003) - New Example 405 - scrolling TabSet - New Example 406 - Tabset within a Tag - New Example 106 - usage of the "filter"-Attribute and the Tag within the ListControl. - New Example for the Panel Painter (see file AboutSideBar.jsp) - Inline documentation (some german parts are translated into englisch) - Some StyleSheet problems fixed - Missing RessourceKeys added. v1.2.045 Source Code for the Online Demo2 The code examples shows the following: - A localized application - The new DefaultPainter2 (Def2Painter) - supporting function based permissions: a) use of the principal object (in com.cc.sample.action.LogonAction) b) configuration of roles in a external xml file c) configuration of permissions for controls d) securing an action class using the "roles"-attribut (e.g. roles="$user.edit") e) automatic login if the users session invalidate or the user has no permission to perform an action