The Common-Controls Tag Library


Creates a group within the surrounding form element container. Form element groups can be nested.
The tag may only be used within a Examples of this are <forms:form>, <forms:section> and <forms:buttonsection>

Body content: JSP
Tag class: FormElementGroupTag

[ Syntax ]

Standard Syntax
[ align = "{left | right | center}" ]
[ cellWidth = "String" ]
[ colspan = "Integer" ]
[ height = "String" ]
[ join = "Boolean" ]
[ labelWidth = "String" ]
[ orientation = "{horizontal | vertical}" ]
[ permission = "ACL" ]
[ styleId = "String" ]
[ valign = "{top | bottom | center}" ]
[ width = "String" ]
...Body Content...


[ Attributes ]

alignAlignmentType Specifies the horizontal alignment of the element.
  • left = left alignment
  • right = right alignment
  • center = center alignment
cellWidthString Specifies the width for the control.

Annotation: See HTML documentation for the attribute width.

colspanInteger Specifies the column span of a form element within a multi column form  
heightString Sets the height of the form element. The height may be specified in absolute or percent terms.

Annotation: See HTML documentation for the attribute height.

joinBoolean Indicates that two adjacent form elements should be joined together  
labelWidthString Specifies the label width.

Annotation: See HTML documentation for the attribute width.

orientationOrientationType Specifies the orientation fo the groups elements
  • horizontal = horizontal orientation (from left to right).
  • vertical = vertical orientation (from to to bottom)
permissionACL With this attribute, access to the element can be restricted.

Authorizations are checked using the object in the user session. The principal object is registered in the session with the method, Principal). It is made available by the application developer by implementing the principal interface. In this manner, any authorization system can be very easily connected within the framework.

Authorizations are always specified in the form of an Access Control List (ACL). What is involved here is a semicolon-delimited list with individual authorizations. The framweork supports the following authorization types, which, however, can be expanded at will by the application developer:

true|false ->
#rolename ->
$functionname ->

styleIdString The HTML-id attribute of the element can be specified with this attribute.

Annotation: See HTML documentation for the Attribute id.

valignAlignmentType Specifies the vertical alignment of the element.
  • top = top alignment
  • bottom = bottom alignment
  • center = center alignment
widthString Sets the width of the form element. The width may be specified in absolute or percent terms.

Annotation: See HTML documentation for the attribute width.


[ Example ]

Form with a group

<%@ taglib uri=""   prefix="forms" %>

<forms:form type="search" caption="Client Search" formid="frmSearch">

        <forms:group orientation="horizontal">
            <forms:text  property="zipcode"  maxlength="10"  size="5">
                <forms:label label=""/>
            <forms:text  property="city"  maxlength="45"  size="25"/>

        <forms:text  property="phonemobile"  maxlength="10"  size="10">
            <forms:label label="" imageref="mobile"/>
